Arya Wedakarna Reported To The Bali Police On Allegations Of Blasphemy

The Bali Diversity Care Forum reported DPD member Arya Wedakarna (AWK) who was suspected of committing blasphemy related to statements allegedly alluding to the use of the hijab for Muslim women.

Arya Wedakarna was reported on Wednesday (3/1) to the Bali Police Headquarters by an advocate named M. Zulfikar Ramly who is also the Coordinator of the Bali Diversity Care Forum.

M. Zulfikar Ramly said, the Bali Diversity Care Forum expressed its condemning and strongly condemning the statement of the DPD member of the Bali electoral district, Arya Wedakarna, who was suspected of committing blasphemy and making hate speech through social media.

"In response to the alleged statement of blasphemy and hate speech from Arya Wedakarna, a member of the DPD RI Bali electoral district which went viral through social media and caused national noise and public unrest in Bali in particular," said Zulfikar, Thursday, January 4.

Arya Wedakarna was reported with the Police Report (LP) Number LP/10/I/2024/SPKT/Polda Bali dated January 3, 2024. The police were asked to immediately follow up on the report.

"And (asked) Arya Wedakarna to be brought to

"The court has allegedly made a racist statement regarding SARA and does not respect Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Pancasila, as the ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the 1945 Constitution as the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia," he added.

AWK went viral on social media because it allegedly alluded to the use of hijab for Muslim women.

In the video clip, Arya Wedakarna at that time attended a meeting with the Head of the Bali Customs Office (Kanwil) Nusra, and the Head of the Ngurah Rai Customs Regional Office, as well as the manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, and Arya Wedakarna said the racist words.

"I don't want the frontlines, I want a Balinese girl like you, her hair is visible, open. Don't give the cover-covers it's not clear. This is not Middle East (This is not the Middle East). It's good in Bali, useAKE flowers, what are you, wear a bije here. If possible, before the task, tell me to pray purely, use it," said Arya Wedakarna.