Due To Rain, Pondok Karya South Jakarta Floods As High As 80 Cm

JAKARTA - Rain with high intensity that hit the South Jakarta area caused a number of places to be flooded. One of the locations is Pondok by RT.01 and 04 RW.04, Pela Mampang, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 4.

Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Disaster Data Center, Mohamad Yohan, said the water level had reached 80 centimeters at 16.45 WIB.

Yohan said the cause of the flood came from the overflow of the Krukut river, South Jakarta, which overflowed.

"The cause of heavy rain. Then) the overflow of Krukut rivers," said.

For the current condition, continued Yohan, at 17.09 WIB the condition of the water in the area had receded to 40 centimeters.

"I called the officer and it was 40 cm again," he concluded.