Residents Of 5 Subdistricts Evacuated Due To The Eruption Of Mount Lewotobi Men NTT, 102 Police Deployed To Help

A total of 102 personnel from the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police were deployed to help victims of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki in East Flores Regency.

They were assigned to carry out tasks under operational control (BKO) considering the status of Mount Lewotobi rose to level III or Alert.

"Those who departed from the Ditsamapta unit of the NTT Police. They departed today," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Pol Ariasandy in Kupang, Thursday, January 4, confiscated by Antara.

Ariasandy said the personnel who were deployed directly helped the East Flores Regional Government (Pemda) evacuate people in 5 sub-districts affected by the volcanic eruption.

The former South Central Timor Police Chief (TTS) said the departure of a number of these personnel was expected to provide significant assistance in dealing with the emergency situation that arose due to the volcanic eruption.

Ariasandy added that the personnel departing had different tasks, such as security recovery, and emergency handling.

"They will be involved in various activities that include recovery, security, and emergency handling to help the affected communities," he said.

Apart from personnel, a number of equipment was also brought to support activities in the field. The equipment is considered essential in ensuring that disaster management can be carried out effectively and efficiently.

Previously, the NTT Police Chief Inspector General of Police Daniel Inspector General Pol Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga said the NTT Police had alerted around 300 to 400 personnel to assist refugees at the volcanic eruption disaster site.

"However, the departure of personnel is carried out in stages by looking at the situation and conditions at the disaster site," he said.

The distribution of personnel, he said, was carried out considering that the distance from Kupang to the district took 12 hours for sea travel, so it was necessary to anticipate.

The NTT Police Chief said that until now based on the reports received, the refugees were starting to get restless and scared, because volcanic activity from the mountain was still happening.

Although some refugees are still going back and forth from the evacuation site to the house to check the houses left.

The NTT Regional Police together with related agencies, he said, are ready to provide assistance and assistance to the community if disaster conditions at the location continue to occur and are more severe.