Ndhank Asks For IDR 10 Million Every Song Maybe Bringed, Stinky: Crazy Lo

JAKARTA - Irwan Batara, the Stinky Reborn frontman, did not accept the nominal royalties requested by Ndhank. He said the former Stinky guitarist asked to be paid Rp. 10 million per concert.

"He asked for 10 million, crazy lo, once played, he wrote the origin only, 'I asked for 10 million'," said Irwan Batara to the media crew in Jurangmangu, South Tangerang, Tuesday, January 2.

For Irwan, Ndhank's request doesn't make sense. He took the example when Ari Lasso paid royalties directly to the songwriter (direct license), Ahmad Dhani.

"Yes, it's impossible, Ari Lasso just paid to Dhani not that much. It's more or less the same, Ari Lasso pays to Dhani, pay for performing rights, that's how much it is," he said.

Irwan said that royalties had been given directly to Ndhank, even the nominal was said to be greater than that given by the public and Karya Cipta Indonesia (KCI). He said Ndhank even received royalties from three parties.

"It's a big amount, we fluctuate each event, we price one song 250 thousand. That's enough for him. From KCI and the public, it's even smaller," said Irwan.

"From the publisher we can, from the KCI we can, from the we can," he said.

Bassis yang sudah bergabung dengan Stinky sejak awal itu menilai royaltif yang diberikan untuk Ndhank sudah sangat layak.

"In our opinion, it is very ideal, because we only use the song. It's very appropriate in our opinion," said Irwan Batara.