Iran: The Murder Of Hamas Figures Is A Serious Warning To The Middle East

JAKARTA - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the assassination of Hamas deputy head of political bureau Saleh al-Arouri was a serious warning to countries in the Middle East.

Israel's evil actions in other countries pose a real threat to peace and security, and a serious warning to the security of countries in the region, Amir-Abdollahian said on social media platform X.

He also said Arouri's assassination proved Israel was not achieving any goal after weeks of committing war crimes, genocide and destruction in the Gaza Strip.

"I extend my condolences to Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas political bureau, to the members of this liberation movement, and to the brave Palestinian people" for the killing of al-Arouri, he said.

On Tuesday, January 2 evening, an Israeli drone killed Arouri in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Hamas confirmed the deaths of Arouri and two Qassam Brigade commanders, the Hamas military wing, in the attack, which left at least six people dead.

Arouri is the most senior Hamas figure killed by Israel since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict on October 7, 2023.

Iran strongly condemns the Israeli attack that killed Arouri.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Badhi said the attack once again proved that the foundation of the Zionist regime was built with terror and crime.

He condemned the Israeli attack as a violation of the sovereignty and integrity of Lebanese territory, and asked the UN Security Council to immediately respond to the Zionist regime's acts of terror.

"Arouri's murder is the result of the unpoweredness and great defeat (Israel) that cannot be fixed against the Palestinian resistance group," he said.

He said the blood of the killed Hamas leaders would create a wave of resistance and motivation to fight the Zionist occupation, not only in Palestine but also in the region.

Israel launched non-stop air and landstrikes in the Palestinian enclave since the Hamas resistance group attacked the Zionist nation on October 7, which Israel says killed nearly 1,200 of its citizens.

Israel's countermeasures have killed at least 22,185 Palestinians and injured 57,035 others, according to health authorities inGaza.

A wave of Israeli attacks has caused destruction in Gaza, where 60 percent of infrastructure is damaged or destroyed, and nearly 2 million of its population displaced amid food shortages, clean water, and medicines.