Second 35 Viral, Netizens Question Personnel Seizing Citizens' Mobile Phones When Evacuating COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - The seconds of evacuating the bodies of COVID-19 patients who are trapped in floods in East Jakarta are busy discussed by citizens. The reason is, in the 35th minute in the circulating video, it is seen that one of the officers seizes the residents' cellphones.

It is not yet certain what caused the cellphone to be taken. As seen in a viral video on Twitter with the hashtag #minute35, officers with complete personal protective equipment suddenly grabbed a black cellphone. The owner of the cellphone did not protest and just kept quiet about it.

In the statement given by the Director of Crime Prevention Unit of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Gatot Haribowo, it was stated that the Special Team for the Monitoring of COVID-19 bodies from the Directorate of Crime Prevention Unit of Metro Jaya Police did evacuate the COVID-19 bodies at the location.

The evacuation process was carried out by six personnel of the Directorate of Crime Prevention Unit and three Policewoman personnel, assisted by Fire Fighter and Civil Service Police Unit personnel. The team used complete personal protective equipment (PPE) to break through the flood.

The action of the officers seizing cellphones also became a question from the Twitter community.

"In second 35 why don't say permission that 'it can't be recorded nor published, please understand'."

"Maybe it's his girlfriend anyway because he did it as he wished. But this is a recording, right?" tweet @geo_engineer

"Why do people grab someone else's cellphone ??" asked @AlhabsiRohman.

The Special Team for Monitoring COVID-19 bodies from the Directorate of Crime Prevention Unit of Metro Jaya Police evacuated the bodies of COVID-19 patients who were trapped in floods for burial.

"The body was buried in Bambu Apus," said Director of Crime Prevention Unit of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Gatot Haribowo, quoted by Antara, Jakarta, Saturday, February 20.

Gatot explained that the evacuation process took place in residential areas affected by the flood in East Jakarta. The evacuation process was led by the supervisory officer Second Police Inspector Nuryasin.