Two Members Of The Satpol PP Attacked By Thugs In Front Of The Plaza Indonesia Gate

Two Central Jakarta Satpol PP officers were ganged up by a group of alleged Tanah Abang thugs who took place in front of Plaza Indonesia, Central Jakarta, last Sunday, December 31. The incident was recorded by an amateur camera and suddenly went viral on social media.

Based on a 10-second video circulating on social media, two people in uniform were seen being pushed and beaten by a group of people suspected of being Tanah Abang thugs.

According to one of the Instagram account posts, the incident began when the IKBT sterilized pedestrian evacuation routes for New Year's Eve from traders trading on the sidewalk. The Satpol PP personnel allegedly even allowed trade traders on the evacuation route.

"There was a verbal altercation.. they arrogantly attacked the regional child. Pay attention to the initial video. The regional child said 'what are you, are you' because they feel pushed and beaten. IKBT members are neutral in separating," wrote the account, Tuesday, January 2.

"Maybe if the Satpol PP officers align upright for the sterile evacuation area from traders, I don't think there will be a fuss," quoted from @chibob sabor.

Meanwhile, according to other eyewitnesses who refused to be named, the incident began when mall security officers were asked to ensure that the road in front of the mall had to be sterile from traders until 18.00 WIB.

However, before 18.00 WIB, traders were already busy taking control of the area. Seeing this, security officers asked Satpol PP members why traders were allowed to enter.

"When asked, the Satpol PP officers immediately said it was 'handed over'. From here the security officers were upset and grabbed the face of the Satpol PP members," said a local resident.

Because he did not accept it, members of the Satpol PP returned to the mall security officers and pushed until a beating occurred.

Head of Central Jakarta Satpol PP, TP Purba confirmed the beating of its members.

"In fact, there was an action against our members in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta," he said, Tuesday, January 2.

The two members who were victims of the beatings carried out a post-mortem and made a report at the Menteng Metro Police.

"Regarding the chronology, I can't give a statement, but in fact, our members have made a report to the police today," he said.

Meanwhile, the Menteng Metro Police Chief, Kompol Bayu Marfiando, said that his party had received the report and immediately conducted a crime scene investigation.

"Satreskrim Polsek Menteng has asked for information from the victim and conducted a crime scene investigation," he said.

Furthermore, the police chief said that his party would ask for information from various parties so that the incident could be clearly identified. What is certain is that if it is proven that there was an act of persecution, it could be threatened with Article 170 of the Criminal Code.