TKN Prabowo-Gibran Values Proposed Delay In Distribution Of Strange And Unwise Social Assistance

Deputy Secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, finds it strange that the proposal to postpone the distribution of social assistance (bansos) until the 2024 presidential election (pilpres) is over. According to Saleh, the proposal is very unwise considering that assistance is urgently needed by the community in the midst of current economic difficulties.

Moreover, said Saleh, social assistance has been guaranteed by the constitution. Where the constitution states that every citizen has the right to a decent life for humanity.

"Why do you have thoughts and proposals to stop it? Such proposals and thoughts are very unwise. They are not oriented towards the fundamental interests of citizens, especially those who really need them," Saleh said in his statement, Monday, January 1.

The chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR RI also encouraged the government to continue and even improve people's programs such as those that have been running so far. For example, the program for providing social assistance, BLT El Nino, and the handover of land certificates that have been running for a long time.

Saleh said the programs complement other social assistance such as PKH, KIS, KIP, business capital assistance, elderly assistance, and others that reach tens of millions of Indonesians. In fact, said Saleh, this is Jokowi's superior government program as a social safety net.

"Jokowi is not only successful in infrastructure development. More than that, he also really cares about social resilience. That is why social assistance with all its details is maintained, improved, and intensified," said Saleh.

PAN, he continued, even suggested that the number of social assistance be increased, and the recipients expanded. The fact is, according to Saleh, there are still many members of society who need it and hope to get the assistance.

"Well, if it is reproduced, that is just right. That way, all those who are entitled can get the same rights as recipients. The task of the state is to ensure that all members of the community are protected," he concluded.

Previously, the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD proposed that the government postpone the distribution of social assistance (bansos) until the presidential election is complete.

TPN Deputy for Law Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis assessed that the distribution of social assistance by the government is very vulnerable to suspicion of benefiting certain presidential-vice candidate pairs (paslon).

"Government officials are very vulnerable to suspicion for social assistance and it benefits certain candidate pairs. Hopefully I am wrong, but public perceptions are like that," said Todung at a press conference at the TPN Media Center Ganjar-Mahfud, on Jalan Cemara, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday, December 29.

"It is better, my suggestion is that government officials postpone the distribution of social assistance until the presidential election is over, so as not to raise suspicion and suspicion," added the senior lawyer.