IPW Records Number Of Citizen Complaints Against Police Performance Drops Drastically In 2023

JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) reported that the number of public complaints related to the performance of the National Police has decreased significantly from 179 in 2022 to only 79 in 2023."Public complaints at IPW (related to the performance of the Police) have decreased from the previous year," said IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso in a year-end release in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 31.Sugeng said the decrease in the number of public complaints to IPW was correlated with the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey which showed public satisfaction with the National Police institution which reached 87 percent.According to him, one of the indicators of the high public trust in the National Police is due to the optimal supervision and enforcement of the law, including within the Police itself."The public increase is strongly suspected to be due to inherent supervision by superiors and/or direct superiors of members of the National Police who are suspected of committing violations of ethics, discipline, and/or crime," he said.Although public trust is reported to be increasing, IPW still has a critical note against the Bhayangkara corps, one of which is regarding the speed of handling cases.He said the no viral no justice phenomenon was still in the public spotlight because the handling of cases that were still selective and based on whether or not the case went viral."The phenomenon of no viral justice is still happening. This means that if it goes viral, the response or attention of the National Police leadership will be faster on public complaints that go viral," he said.
With this note, he hopes that the police can patch the weakness in 2024 to maintain the achievement of public trust.