Governor Khofifah Ensures That The Supply Of Basic Materials Is Safe Ahead Of The New Year

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa directly visited the Krian Lama Market, Sidoarjo Regency, to ensure the availability and stability of basic commodities in East Java ahead of the new year.

"This review is important to do to ensure the supply of basic commodities and the suitability of the prices of basic commodities with the Highest Retail Price (HET) set. Given that the community will face the end of 2023 and welcome the beginning of 2024," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 29.

Khofifah found that basic commodities in the Krian Lama Market tended to be lower with HET and relatively stable.

"The most basic basic basic basic necessities are rice. Rice prices are stable here. Eggs and chicken meat tend to drop. Likewise with beef, it tends to be stable towards descent," he said.

The staples in Krian Lama Market which are under HET include beef for Rp. 100,000 per kilogram with HET of Rp. 140 thousand. Then chicken meat for Rp. 32 thousand per kilogram with HET of Rp. 36,750 per kilogram.

Chicken eggs Rp. 25 thousand per kilogram with HET Rp. 27 thousand and shallots for Rp. 33 thousand per kilogram with HET in the range of Rp. 36,500 - 41,500. Meanwhile, medium rice is priced at Rp. 11 thousand per kilogram, only Rp. 100 different from HET Rp. 10,900.

"God willing, everything is stable and even tends to fall. Including sugar and red chili. What has increased slightly is oil. What is usually the Fortune brand of Rp. 17 thousand per liter, now it is Rp. 17,800 per liter," he said.

Khofifah believes that the community's needs can be met during the year-end celebration moments and the beginning of the year because the availability of materials in East Java is sufficient.

"God willing, ahead of this new year, the needs of the community related to household logistics are all sufficient. Because our supply is very safe, the distribution is safe and market prices are stable and even tend to fall," he said.

"I hope everyone is happy. We end 2023 and start 2024 happily. So everything is guarded safely, peacefully, the price of basic necessities is affordable for the community," said Khofifah.

While reviewing, the former Minister of Social Affairs also took the time to buy mangoes, meat, melons, mangosteen, dragon fruit, rambutan, papaya, apples, and other logistics needs from traders.

Not to forget, he distributed food packages to around 300 sellers and the surrounding community. He even distributed similar packages to more than 30 pedicab drivers at the Krian Lama Market.