Knock! Erick Thohir Officially Disbands 7 Red Plate Companies

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has officially disbanded seven SOEs.

This dissolution is in line with the plan to transform the Ministry of SOEs to cut the number of existing state-owned companies.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo or Tiko said the dissolution of seven SOEs was a transformation commitment carried out by SOE Minister Erick Thohir since 2019.

Where, continued Tiko, Minister Erick assigned Holding Danareksa-PPA to handle a number of problematic SOEs.

Tiko said this disbandment was in line with the plan to transform the Ministry of SOEs to cut the number of SOEs to below 40 SOEs with 12 clusters in the future.

Furthermore, Tiko said, the disbandment process was carried out in stages according to the roadmap of the Ministry of SOEs until 2034.

He hopes that the number of problematic SOEs in the future will be less or even less.

"Today we convey these 7 SOEs which are commitments that SOEs, if we look at their roles, are large and can be healthy as Garuda and PTPN, we are fully committed to being healthy. But what is not feasible and has an impact on the economy, we will disband," he said at a press conference, at Danareksa Tower, Jakarta, Friday, December 29.

Meanwhile, PPA President Director M Teguh Wirahadikusumah said six SOEs had received disbandment PP such as PT Iglas, PT Industri Sandang Nusantara, PT Istaka Karya, PT Kertas Kraft Aceh, PT Kertas Leces, and PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines.

Furthermore, Teguh said that the process of disbanding PT Pembiayaan Armada Niaga Nasional (PANN) is currently waiting for PP to disband.

Of these seven, the process is through the court, there is a disbandment, six SOEs have been obtained PP disbandment in April 2023. For one more SOE is still discussing the next process," he explained.

Currently, continued Teguh, PPA is managing 22 SOEs, of which 7 SOEs have been decided to disband. According to Teguh, 15 other SOEs are still in the process of being studied whether they can still be healthy or disbanded.

"7 SOEs are finished, there are still 15 SOEs left," he said.

For your information, throughout 2023 there were at least six state-owned companies that were officially disbanded with the approval of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Most recently, PT Kertas Kraf Aceh and PT Industri Gelas (Persero).

Here's the full list:

1. PT Iglas disbanded based on PP Number 18 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of the Company PT Industri Gelas which was signed on April 3, 2023

2. PT Industri Sandang Nusantara was disbanded based on PP Number 14 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of the Company (Persero) PT Industri Sandang Nusantara.

3. PT Istaka Karya disbanded based on PP Number 13 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of the Company Company (Persero) PT Istaka Karya

4. PT Kertas Kraft Aceh was disbanded based on PP Number 17 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of the Company PT Kertas Kraft Aceh.

5. PT Paper Leces disbanded based on PP Number 9 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of PT Kertas Leces (Persero).

6. PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines was disbanded based on PP Number 8 of 2023 concerning the Disbandment of the Company Company (Persero) PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines.

7. As for PT Pembiyaan Armada Niaga Nasional (PANN), the Ministry of SOEs is currently still processing its disbandment.