The Polemic Of Persib, Logo, And Jersey Day

JAKARTA - Persib Bandung officially announced the change of their anniversary from March 14, 1933 to January 5, 1919.

The announcement of the results of Persib's anniversary research was immediately made by the CEO of PT Persib Bandung with dignity (PT PBB), Glenn T. Sugita at Graha Persib on Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Glenn was also accompanied by a team of researchers for the anniversary of Persib, chaired by Professor of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universtias Padjadjaran (FIB Unpad), Prof. Kunto Sofianto, Ph.D.

For information, the research team consists of Dr. Miftahul Falah M. Hum, Budi Gustaman Sunarya, MA, Iqbal Reza Satria, SH, MIP, and Muhammad Ridha Taufiq Rahman, SIP., MA, who worked quite a long time doing historical research by referring to the primary source and source of my body.

"This series of anniversarys (Persib) was carried out to answer the concerns and even doubts that have arisen in the past decade, especially from literacy activists, journalists and Persib Bobotoh because there is no authentic evidence of the determination of Persib's anniversary on March 14, 1933," said Prof. Kunto on the club website.

Furthermore, the narration that states that Persib (Bandonengsch Inlansch Voetbal Bond/BIVB) is one of the seven unions (bond) founders of PSSI on April 19, 1930, is another reason the research team conducted scientific studies and research.

Logically, as one of the founders of PSSI, Persib must first be born than he was born.

"In a historical perspective, March 14, 1933, which has been believed to be Persib's anniversary, is not based on historical facts (ahistoris) when it comes to the role of BIVB in the process of establishing PSSI on April 19, 1930," he explained.

Prof. Kunto also explained that among the five challenges found by the research team, on January 5, 1919, it was the most logical interpretation because it was supported by strong historical facts (primer). Beyond that date, four other stages were July 11, 1914, May 19, 1923, October 22, 1928, and March 18, 1934.

"After going through fairly long scientific steps, including public trials through an open focus group discussion (FGD), we believe to conclude that January 5, 1919 can be used as Persib's anniversary," said Prof. Kunto.

The determination of January 5, 1919 as Persib's anniversary was based on the moment of agreement in the vergadering (meeting) of 13 indigenous clubs such as KBS, BB (Bandoeng Star), STER (Steeds tradeen en renen), Diana (Doe is alles nietachteruit), Zwaluw, BIVC, BVC, KVC, VVC, Visser, NVC, Brom and Pasar Ketjil to establish a bond or union called Bandoengsch Inlansch Voetbal Bond (BIVB). This fact was discovered in the news of the January 7, 1919 edition of the Kaoem Moeda newspaper.

Then, as many as 13 native clubs decided to form their own bonds as a form of "opposite" against discrimination carried out by the Dutch East Indies bond, Bandoengsch Voetbal Bond (BVB) against bumiputera football. After the declaration of establishment, an arrangement of management was formed under the leadership of Soetan Mati M. Djamil as president of bonds and Soegeng as his deputy.

Responding to the results of research that changed Maung Bandung's day, Glenn T. Sugita expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the hard work of the research team to do research to answer public anxiety and doubts regarding Persib's anniversary.

"After the results of this research are determined, starting next year, Persib will commemorate its anniversary every January 5th."

"Maklum, kami sudah bertahun-tahun merayakan hari jadi setiap tanggal 14 Maret. Kami berharap penetapan hari sudah baru ini bisa menghadirkan benuas dan Persib semakin berkelar di kemudian hari," kata Glenn.

Well, the determination of Persib's new anniversary has led to pros and cons.

Persib management itself supports the change of anniversary. However, the conflict was no less massive.

A total of 36 football unions (PS) under the Association of PSSI City in Bandung expressed objections to the change of Persib anniversary.

On December 24, 2023, the consolidation of 36 PS Ascots in Bandung City and Bandung football figures at the PSSI West Java Asprov Building rejected the results of research.

Moreover, research does not involve Bandung football figures. At least it must involve cultural observers from PS IPI Ahwani and Taufik Faturohman.

"There must be collaboration. I hope PT PBB can review it. So, there is an academic collaboration between the research team and football figures who understand football's history."

"At least, the two people (PS IPI cultural observers Ahwani and Taufik Faturohman) represent enough, both for their figures and 36 PS under the PSSI Bandung Ascot," said Budi Agung, PS Nusaraya's representative.

In fact, they intend to send an objection letter to PT PBB because the policy of changing the anniversary violates the PSSI Statute.

"There (PSSI's status) has been explained that it should not change anything for any reason (as PSSI's founding club), then we will file a written objection letter, in which our follow-up must be involved. After all, we are part of Persib, it's just that we merged into the PSSI Bandung Ascot," said Budi again.

It did not stop there, the General Chairperson of the PSSI Bandung Ascot, Yoko Angga Surya, revealed that his party could take this case to court if PT PBB did not pay attention to the objection.

"If forced, there is no other way (to sue in court). If you want to keep the birthday (January 5, 1919), yes, not Persib anymore. That means, Persib, who 1933 must be returned to us."

"Yes, we asked to be postponed because earlier, we clearly asked to be suspended. If the date continues, we will automatically demand it in court," said Yoko Angga Surya.

Apart from PS members of the PSSI Bandung Ascot, opposition also emerged from historical activists and Bandung football, Zen RS.

He held PT PBB accountability for the change in Persib's anniversary. According to him, Unpad (the research team) did not say Persib was born in 1919 as the only option.

The research team even made five options/recommendations, one of which was 1919. However, PT PBB said 1919 which means it is the choice of PT PBB.

Zen further also did not know which final draft of the research academic paper was. In fact, he uploaded a photo on his personal X account of drawing his academic paper for Persib's anniversary.

"Is this the final script? Is there another script? If this version is the reference for PT PBB to change Persib's birthday to January 5, 1919, then my conclusion is just ignore this 1919 version. You must prepare an argument better, then explain it again to the weights," Zen wrote while including Teddy Tjahjono, Deputy CEO of PT PBB.

The polemic of changing Persib's anniversary turned out to be a long tail. After the inauguration of the new anniversary, the issue of changing the logo and jersey color emerged.

The issue was raised by Teddy Tjahjono, who referred to the findings of the research team. However, Persib management said they still wanted to conduct further research related to the logo and color of the jersey.

"We'll see again, this research is still continuing. Earlier, Prof. Kunto had leaked a little if the logo was from the City Government. (Jersey) at first it was red and black, the blue color was later 1957," said Teddy Tjahjono.

"So, let the research team do their job, only after that for us to determine what our steps are like. This must be from the existing data and facts, based on the results of existing research," said Teddy again, launching Simamaung.