Overseas Voters Reported Most KPUs From Kuala Lumpur And Taipei

The General Elections Commission (KPU) revealed that 1,750,047 Indonesian citizens (WNI) were registered as voters abroad, spread over 128 overseas election committees (PPLN) in the 2024 General Election.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari revealed that a total of 828 voters will use the polling method (TPS) or vote at TPS, 1,580 voters use mobile ballot boxes (KSK), and 651 voters use via post.

"For logistics distribution, we ensure that the logistics of ballots, forms and voting equipment for three methods, namely TPSLN, KSK, and postal, have all been sent to 128 PPLN," said Hasyim in his statement, Wednesday, December 27.

Hasyim revealed that there were two waves of sending ballots to PPLN, the first with the farthest location from Indonesia and the second wave, namely the country with the closest location from Indonesia.

"Two waves are carried out. The first wave is PPLN which is far from Indonesia because especially ballots that print or produce are KPUs, then the second wave is relatively close or affordable from Jakarta, Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, the KPU chairman detailed that there were 20 PPLN with the most Indonesian citizens from 128 countries, namely as follows:

Kuala Lumpur 491,152 voters of Taipei: 239,587 Singapore voters: 95,297 newJohor voters: 81,676 penang voters: 70,341 Kuching voters: 64,938 Kinabalu City voters: 62,747 Feddah voters: 58,614 Tawau voters: 56,870 Begawan Series Sandar voters: 34,663 Riyadh voters: 28,863 Tokyo voters: 24,059 Long Angles voters: 16,113 Seoul voters: 15,416 Frankfurt voters: 13,902 voters Sydney: 13,266 voters Den Haag: 12,854 Osaka voters: 12,451 Mongon voters: 11,656 voters