Traffic Flow On The Peak Line, It's Normal In Both Directions

The Bogor Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas) reported that at 21:00 WIB, Monday, December 25, the traffic flow on the Puncak route had returned to normal, both from Jakarta and Cianjur.

"The Bogor Police Traffic Unit reported that the traffic flow situation in Gadog, currently on the Puncak tourist route, has been normal in both directions, and the traffic situation has been monitored smoothly," said Bogor Police Traffic Unit, First Brigadier Vena, Monday, December 25.

Previously, the Traffic Unit had engineered a number of traffic systems for one way and contra flow to unravel congestion in the volume of vehicles on the Puncak tourist route, Bogor, West Java.

Sebelumnya juga diberitakan, Kapolres Bogor AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro mengungkapkan sekitar 110 ribu kendaraan masuk ke Kawasan Wisata Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, selama libur panjang perayaan Natal sejak 23-25 Desember 2023.

"Today until 15.00 WIB, which has gone down (direction to Jakarta) is 20 thousand vehicles," he said at the Gadog Police Post, Ciawi, Bogor, Monday, December 25.

The Bogor Police Traffic Unit also reminded the public, on New Year's Eve, starting from December 31, 2023 at 18:00 WIB to January 1, 2024 at 06:00 WIB, without any vehicles on the Puncak tourist route, Bogor, West Java.

"Inform all road users who will go to the top route, that on New Year's Eve it will be enforced at night without vehicles," concluded the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, First Brigadier Vena, Monday, December 25.