Head Of OIKN And Menpan RB Discuss Smart Government

JAKARTA - The move to the city of the archipelago is not only a physical transfer, but also a change in the paradigm of integrated governance nationally. A strategy is needed for the transfer to Smart Government which prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and agile.

Our main task is related to the implementation of smart government. The hardware is being prepared, while the software is being tested continuously. So it is necessary to regulate a collaborative and agile new work pattern (agile) through the flexibility of time and location," said Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas quoting a written statement, Monday, December 25.

The central role of digitalization is supported by a strategy to provide Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) services through Government Technology (GovTech). This aims to increase the effectiveness of government administration, especially during the transition period to the City of Nusantara.

Minister Anas appealed to the digital work culture to be applied in IKN so that IKN can become a comfortable smart city for everyone, including for ASN. The President's message is that everything in the city of Nusantara is digital based, including assessing the performance of ASN. Incidentally, the President has signed the Presidential Regulation on SPBE. This is a new chapter for Indonesia in terms of digital transformation with GovTech," he added.

During the meeting, the Minister of PANRB not only discussed the strategy of moving ASN and governance, but also matters related to supporting facilities for the transfer of ASN.

"The need for ASN is not only a building, but also a children's school. It needs good and high qualification schools and we will coordinate in its preparation. So that it not only maintains income, but also takes care of its children to become great children," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Bambang Susantono appreciated the digital transformation that had been carried out by the Ministry of PANRB. For him, IKN is a living lab in implementing the digitization of civilization, including the digitization of bureaucracy.

"The president reminded us that the IKN Authority is not a regional government, so don't take part in business as usual. Follow the latest standards, including digitization. Therefore, we are very happy to have this digital transformation," concluded Bambang.