Provide Consumer Comfort During Year-End Holidays, MMKSI Provides Alert Posts At Strategic Locations

JAKARTA - PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (PT MMKSI) has again presented the Mitsubishi Motors 24 Hour Alert Post located in strategic locations.

This is a commitment in providing comfort for consumers who want to travel long distances at the end of the year, both in terms of products and services.

This service is also provided by MMKSI to provide a sense of security for drivers and their vehicles to remain in optimal condition.

In the holiday period at the end of this year, there are five Mitsubishi Motors Alert Posts that occupy strategic locations on the island of Java and more than 40 Alert Workshops in Indonesia.

The Mitsubishi Motors 24-hour Alert Post Service will take place from 23 December 2023 to 1 January 2024.

"At the end of 2023, MMKSI will again continue to provide the best service for consumers on vacation by taking advantage of the holiday momentum of Christmas and New Year."

"We want to return to provide a sense of security and comfort for Mitsubishi Motors consumers by providing a Mitsubishi Motors 24 Hour Alert Post spread across several regions in Indonesia," said Eiichiro Hamazaki, Director of After Sales Division of PT MMKSI, in an official statement received on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Furthermore, he said this Alert Post was designed and equipped with various facilities that could be used comfortably. In fact, Mitsubishi Motors consumers who want to take a break can do it at the post.

"We hope this service can add to the comfort of the trip and take the Mitsubishi Motors consumers safely to their destination."

"Please stop by our Alert Post and enjoy all the benefits and attractive fast service package promos with work guarantees under 1 hour."

"Not only that, consumers who come can also explore further our latest compact SUV vehicle, namely Mitsubishi XForce, which we deliberately provide at every point of the Alert Command Post later," he added.

The Mitsubishi Motors 24 Hour Alert Post during the period 23 December 2023 January 1, 2024 is a collaboration with a number of authorized dealers.

These posts are located at the point of the year-end holiday route spread across Java Island. Call it Rest Area Cikampek KM 57 A towards homecoming, Rest Area Cipali KM 102 A direction homecoming, Puncak Kopi Iteung direction homecoming and direction Jakarta, Rest Area Brebes ex Sugar Factory KM 260 B towards Jakarta, Rest Area Utama Raya Situbondo, direction homecoming and Jakarta.