Cak Imin Promises IDR 5 Billion Per Village Will Be Realized Every Year

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin promised to provide village funds to increase to IDR 5 billion per year.

He said, the target is what he wants to fight for if he and Anies Baswedan are elected in the 2024 election contestation.

"We will present how to make villages grow, God willing, we will achieve Rp5 billion per village every year," he said in a vice presidential debate quoted from the Indonesian KPU YouTube, Friday, December 22.

Furthermore, Cak Imin believes that this step will encourage very large and more mature economic growth in the country.

Imin also said that the step to increase village funds was part of efforts towards an Advanced Indonesia.

"This is our national development. We will also prepare all aids that allow us to grow to progress," he said.