BI Boss Continues To Optimize SRBI Monetary Instruments, SVBI, And Pro Market SUVBI

JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded that until December 19, 2023, the auction value of the Rupiah Bank Indonesia Securities (SRBI) and Bank Indonesia Securities (SVBI), each had reached Rp229.95 trillion and US$421.50 million.

Meanwhile, Sukuk Valas Bank Indonesia (SUVBI) as a foreign exchange monetary instrument has reached 129 million US dollars.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said BI continues to optimize SRBI and SVBI monetary instruments, as well as pro-market SUVBI in order to strengthen efforts to deepen the domestic financial market.

"And support efforts to attract the entry flow of the portfolio (portfolio inflows), by utilizing the assets of Government Securities (SBN) and foreign securities owned by Bank Indonesia as underlying," he said at a press conference, Thursday, December 21.

Perry conveyed that through optimizing the monetary instruments of SRBI, SVBI, and SUVBI, Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen innovation to increase the effectiveness of monetary policy in ensuring controlled inflation and the stable exchange rate of Rupiah.

Meanwhile, SRBI and SVBI auctions until December 19, 2023, each reached IDR 229.95 trillion and USD 421.50 million.

The SRBI instrument has been actively traded on the secondary market as reflected in the non-resident ownership of IDR 52.87 trillion.

Meanwhile, the non-resident position in SVBI was recorded at 6 million US dollars. In addition, Bank Indonesia has also issued SUVBI as a foreign exchange monetary instrument, which until December 19, 2023 has reached 129 million US dollars.

Perry conveyed that with various instrument innovations, it is hoped that it can support a pro-market monetary operation strategy and can attract incoming capital flows to strengthen Indonesia's external economic resilience from the impact of global rambatan.