High School Student In Tangerang Burner Of Ex-Girlfriend's Diplomas, Allegedly Promotes Online Gambling On Instagram

TANGERANG - A high school student with the initials A (17) who allegedly burned his ex-girlfriend's undergraduate diploma, Bryan (22) is allegedly promoting online gambling. The allegation is based on a number of A posts in Instagram stories.

Taking a closer look at A's Instagram account, you can see several posts embedded with a link, which, if clicked on the link, will appear on the website or online gambling site.

Bryan also agreed that his ex-girlfriend was promoting online gambling.

"Yes, this is his second (A) account. He opened an online gambling site. Just try it," said Bryan when met in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang, Thursday, December 21.

Bryan claimed to have evidence if the ex-girlfriend opened a promotional service for online gambling sites.

"Evidence in every Instagram story. Below it must have a link to the online gambling site," he concluded.