Food Agency Boss Says Imports Are Done To Secure Rice Needs In 2024

JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapanas) emphasized that the import assignment given to Perum Bulog this year aims to secure rice demand in early 2024.

At the same time as an effort by the government to stabilize prices in the country.

Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas), Arief Prasetyo Adi, explained that based on projected data from the Area Sample Framework (KSA) by BPS as of November 2023, it was processed by Badanas, rice production in January 2024 as much as 930,000 tons or the lowest since 2021, which is an average of over 1 million tons.

In February 2024, continued Arief, it is predicted that only 1.32 million tons will be estimated. The production projection is much lower than in previous years which was above 2 million tons. Meanwhile, the average monthly rice demand is 2.5 million tons.

"The import policy is not popular. However, inevitably it must be done (to secure rice needs in early 2024)," he said during a media discussion at the Media Center Indonesia Maju, Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

Arief also emphasized that the government always monitors the condition of rice production in the field. This step was taken to ensure that the community's need for rice was met.

"I want to say that the government is very updated, always monitors real conditions in the field, and ensures the interests of the people so that we must not lack rice," said Arief.

CBP Safe Until June 2024

On the same occasion, Bulog President Director Bayu Krisnamurthi said the government's rice reserves (CBP) were safe until June 2024.

"God willing, I am quite sure and report it to the President. Until the Eid (rice) stock is finished, the government is safe," said Bayu.

Entering 2024, continued Bayu, Bulog has prepared to deal with uncertainty in domestic rice production that can occur. In addition to the ongoing domestic absorption, President Joko Widodo has also ordered Bulog to secure reserves through imports.

Bayu also emphasized that Bulog had secured rice supplies from abroad. Quoting Bulog data, the total rice stock controlled by Bulog in warehouses is currently 1.26 million tons.

In addition, there are still 494,000 tons of rice that are still on their way to Bulog warehouses in various regions. Not only that, there are still as many as 500,000 tons of imported rice from the additional quota that is being processed.

Entering 2024, Bayu said the government had given an import assignment of 2 million tons. Even though it is not easy to get rice from abroad.

"Importation is solely done to secure domestic needs in order to avoid the turmoil in rice prices which can have a bad impact on society," he said.