Airlines Violate Ticket Price Upper Limit, Menparekraf: Challenge Airplane Tariff Adjustment In Peak Season

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said the challenges faced by the aviation industry included adjusting aircraft ticket rates, especially at peaks, or peaks of the holiday season such as Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024. "We always convey that one of the challenges in the aviation industry is tariff adjustments, especially during the burden of visits or business movements during peaks such as Nataru," Sandiaga said in the Celebration of Mother's Day which was held at the Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20, was confiscated by Antara. He also admitted that he had established communication with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) regarding the issue of flight modes that applied the upper limit rates exceeding the rules set during the Christmas 2023 holiday period and the new year 2024. "But indeed before Christmas and New Year there were already in particular in Eastern Indonesia. "It is two - three airlines," said Spokesperson of the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati., the violation of tickets with prices exceeding the upper limit tends to occur on routes that are only controlled or operated by one airline.