How To Change HGB Status To SHM: Here's The Retail

YOGYAKARTA - Building Use Rights or HGB are a manifestation of land rights that are usually issued by the government or land owners for a certain period of time. However, for some owners, having an Ownership Certificate (SHM) is the final goal in their land ownership. Let's find out how to change the status of HGB to SHM!

SHM shares full rights to land, as well as changing the status of HGB to SHM is an important step. What are the tricks? When before taking care of the transition of HGB to SHM, there are some requirements that must be met.

The following are the requirements given by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN):

Steps To Change HGB To SHM

Quoted from several sources, here are steps to improve HGB status to SHM:

Excess And Lack Of HGB

Many people feel sorry at a later date because they only realized there were some problems with the house certificate they bought. This is because they do not pay attention to the details of the certificate before buying a house. You don't want to regret it in the future, do you?

If you don't want to regret it, you need to understand the various existing certificates, including Building Use Rights. There are advantages and disadvantages of HGB that you need to know. By recognizing these advantages and weaknesses, you can think clearly. So that in the future you will not regret it.

HGB Excess

There are various advantages of HGB that you need to know, namely as follows:

HGB Shortage

That was an advantage of the Building Use Rights, if there are advantages, there will be shortcomings as well. Here are the shortcomings of the HGB that you need to know, including:

You also need to know 'What If HGB Home Runs Out' so you don't regret it later.

So after knowing how to change the status of HGB to SHM, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!