Deputy Commander Of TKN: One Round Presidential Election Has A Positive Impact On The Indonesian Economy

JAKARTA - Deputy TKN Commander Fanta Prabowo-Gibran, Anggawira hopes that the 2024 presidential election will take place one round in order to maintain economic growth amidst global uncertainty.

"This one round can be one of the positive things to accelerate existing programs. That is our hope. The trend of economic growth in 5 percent can be higher if the money in circulation gets bigger. The breakthrough in financial policies in this new government is very important," said Anggawira in an online discussion entitled 'Surprising the One Round Presidential Election: The Political Economy Side and Budget Efficiency', quoted from the Mediation Channel YouTube channel, Tuesday 19 December.

In addition to accelerating economic growth, Anggawira assessed that the one round presidential election in 2024 could also accelerate ongoing government programs.

"If one round of opportunities to accelerate existing programs can be even faster," said the Head of the National Young Entrepreneurs Volunteer (Repnas).

General Chairperson of the One Round Movement (GSP) M. Qodari added that the 2024 presidential election one round could save costs of up to IDR 17 trillion.

According to him, one round of elections can maintain domestic stability and also minimize the threat of polarization in society.

Qodari is worried that the threat of polarization will increase if the second round presents a battle between Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate and Anies Baswedan's presidential candidate.

"I see that the potential for polarization is huge because once there are only two candidates, they will face each other, including issues of prime and religious issues that will arise," said Qodari.

"Anies will definitely be plotted as an Islamic candidate because he has been supported by UAS, HRS, has made an agreement with the ulama. Pak Prabowo apologizes with a heavy heart I say he must be labeled a Christian candidate. Pak Jokowi has been labeled a Christian even though he is not a Christian. Pak Prabowo is very easy to be labeled with primordial issues," he said.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's economic growth until September 2023 is stagnant in the range of 5 percent.

In the first quarter, Indonesia's economic growth was recorded at 5.03 percent. Meanwhile, in the second quarter it increased to 5.17 percent and in the third quarter or July-September, Indonesia's economic growth slightly slowed down to 4.94 percent.