LSF Research Results, 34% Of Film Spectators Like Horror Genres

JAKARTA - The Film Censorship Institute (LSF) is mandated by Law Number 33 of 2009 concerning Film to censor films and film advertisements before being circulated or performed until the issuance of a Sensor Passage Certificate (STLS).However, it is undeniable that the development of information technology is very rapid, has a major impact on the circulation and performance of films, where films are currently not only watched through cinema and television screens, butcan be accessed via internet, digital platform and social media.So that access to films is easier, no longer limited by place and time. So that people have the potential to access film content that is not in accordance with their age classification. In an effort to take part in the interests and progress of scientific research that is in line with the duties and functions of the LSF, research on the Perception of the Community is carried out onFilm, censorship and Culture of Independent Sensors.This research was conducted by the LSF in collaboration with the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA (UHAMKA) and carried out in cinemas in four major cities, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Makassar. These four cities were chosen for reasons that the number of cinema viewers was the highest and viewing access was higher through digital channels than other cities in Indonesia.This research was carried out with several objectives, namely: Knowing people's perceptions in depth about censorship criteria which include violence, gambling, narcotics, psychotropic substances, and other addictive substances, pornography, ethnicity, race, groups, and/or groups, religion, law, dignity and human dignity, and the age of the audience; Knowing the public's perception in depth about film; Knowing deeply about the culture of independent censorship; and Knowing the media behavior of society.From this study, a conclusion was obtained which included several things, namely:1. Access to public viewing media is dominant through information technology networks (JTI) by 89%, Television 8% and Cinemas 1%.2. Changes in Public Prilaku in accessing media for entertainment in 4 Big Cities (DKI Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Makassar): 79% of the Community accesses social media.3. Favorite films to watch are 45% National Film, 52% Foreign Film and 1% don't know. The film genres that the audience likes are horror films by 34%, comedy 28%, drama 24%, musical 3% and other genres 7%.4. As an audience of 72% stated that they knew about the age classification of the audience, but there were still 25% who did not know about the age classification of the audience.5. As many as 61% of the audience stated that there needs to be a change in the classification of the age of the audience in Indonesia today. Especially in the classification of the age of SU and 17+.6. As many as 41% of the audience stated that they agreed that the LGBT scene made it uncomfortable so it was necessary for LGBT to be part and criteria for film censorship.7. Independent Censorship Cultural Campaign can effectively cultivate people in sorting and selecting shows according to their age.8. Some viewers of 53% stated that they had watched films that did not match their age classification but there were 48% of the audience stating that they watched according to their age.9. A 40% form of surveillance of the spectacle states by limiting time, 11% carry out direct checks, 10% limit access and 38% state they do not know.
In his presentation, the Chairman of Commission I LSF RI, Dr. Naswardi said that further research was needed to analyze more deeply the majority of people who love horror films more and make it the main choice to watch in theaters."The Film Censorship Institute is also committed to campaigning for a more structured Independent Sensor Culture involving other stakeholders," said Naswardi.