After The Obscene Dozens Of Students, Unscrupulous Teachers In Purwakarta Are Now At Large

PURWAKARTA - Purwakarta District Police named an individual Koran teacher named Opan Sopandi as a suspect in the case of molestation of dozens of his students and now the police have put him on the wanted list (DPO).

Purwakarta Police Chief, AKBP Edwar Zulkarnain, said that his party had named Opan Sopandi, a resident of Salem Village, Pondoksalam District, Purwakarta as a suspect in the molestation case against dozens of his students.

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the police collected evidence and questioned a number of eyewitnesses, including the victims.

"The suspect's whereabouts are not yet known, so we include the suspect in the wanted list," said Edwar, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, December 18.

The police chief admitted that he deliberately opened to the public the identity and photo of the face of Opan Sopandi, so that people who know of his whereabouts can immediately report to the nearest police station.

It was stated that in accordance with the interim examination, there were 15 victims of sexual abuse committed by Opan Sopandi. However, the number may increase, because there are still victims who have not reported.

For his actions, the perpetrators are threatened with Article 81 paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and/or Article 82 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 01 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law.

The maximum penalty is five years and a maximum of 15 years.

"But because the suspect is an educator, the sentence is increased by a third from the main threat," he said.