Ministry Of ATR: Spatial Planning To Improve Investment In Regions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Spatial Planning (RTR) can increase investment in the regions."President Joko Widodo mandates that the 2024 investment realization target is at IDR 1,650 trillion, accelerating the preparation of a Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) for the issuance of the Adjustment of Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR) can increase investment in the regions because with investment, development in the regions can be realized,” said Director General (Dirjen) of Spatial Planning Gabriel Triwibawa in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 17.Gabriel Triwibawa said that the goal of increasing investment is expected to be the main engine for Indonesia's economic growth for the welfare of the community.He considered that it was absolutely necessary for RDTR to be realized. The presence of quality RDTR makes the resulting legal products will not cause problems in the future, especially obstacles in the investment licensing process.Currently, he explained, the total number of RDTR that has been completed is 390 RDTR. Meanwhile, for the RDTR Online Single Submission or OSS there are 203 RDTR OSS.“Along with the running of the RDTR OSS system, the system has implications for increasing the graph of the suitability of its Space Utilization Activities (KKPR), the more KKPRs are published through this RDTR confirmation,” Gabriel Triwibawa said.It is known that the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto revealed that the use of space is a prerequisite for Indonesia as a country with high income.The conformity of Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR) is a spatial representation as the commander of development implementation, and is in line with the mandate stated in the Law on Spatial Planning. "The suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities aims to create a safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable space," he said.
The policy is to increase investment competitiveness in Indonesia through simplifying the basic requirements for business licensing.