Arriving In Indonesia, Syahnaz Sadiqah Langung Nyekar To The Tomb Of Jeje Govinda's Mother

JAKARTA - Condolences still surround the family of musician Jeje Govinda, who was recently abandoned by her mother, Farida Budyarti, forever. At the moment of her mother's departure, it was discovered that Jeje and Syahnaz and their children were in London on vacation as well as recording a new song.

When he heard the news, only Jeje was seen arriving in Indonesia to bury his mother. Previously Jeje explained the reason Syahnaz was not with him at this moment was because he did not get a ticket home.

"The tickets are also difficult. There are a lot of our groups, there are children too," said Jeje Govinda, Tuesday, December 12.

However, through the Instagram account of Syahnaz Sadiqah's mother, Amy Qanita, it was seen that Syahnaz had arrived in Indonesia and immediately went to her mother-in-law's grave with Amy.

"Al Fatihah for my dear ceu ida. May his Islamic faith be accepted," wrote Amy Qanita, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Sunday, December 17.

Previously, Syahnaz also had time to write a'separation' message to Farida on his Instagram account. He expressed his feelings for Farida, who had become a good mother figure for him.

He also recalled the moment when Farida cooked delicious foods for him and revealed how much he would miss the cooking.

"Until I meet you again, dear nini... rest in peace, ma'am... we all always love mom..., ma'am, for your love all this time... Mama, it's really good, Mom, later who is making it comfortable at home, you must miss the food. God willing, give Mama the best place by His side and forgive all the sins of mama... amen... rest in love nini," wrote Syahnaz on his personal Instagram.