The Perpetrators Of The Attack On The National Police Chief's Office House Turned Out To Be A Master's Degree In Yogyakarta And A Former Civil Servant
Dirreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi revealed the educational background of the perpetrator of the attack on the official residence of the National Police Chief with the initials JJP.The perpetrator graduated from master's degree at a well-known university in Yogyakarta and is a former Civil Servant (PNS).This “So the background in question used to be a former civil servant. Once studied at STPDN, master's degree at a well-known university in Yogyakarta, then resigned, ” explained Hengki at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, December 15.Hengki added, according to information from several friends from the class and his family, he had experienced depression so he was taken to the RSJ (Single Hospital).As previously reported, a man with the initials JPP attacked the official residence guard of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta on December 14.The perpetrator has been arrested by Polda Metro Jaya and is undergoing psychological observation at the Kramatjati Police Hospital, East Jakarta." “ As for psychological observations, whether the person concerned is able to account for his actions, whether insyafi his actions are wrong or right, then we can follow up on whether they can be processed by law or not,” explained Hengki.
The police have yet to reveal the motive of the perpetrators because they are still waiting for the results of observations from the Police Hospital, East Jakarta.