4 KB Services Borne By BPJS Health Free, Couples Must Know

YOGYAKARTA - The Health Social Security Administration (BPJS) provides a number of health services for free for the community. One of the health insurance that can be utilized is the Family Planning program (KB). There are 4 KB services borne by BPJS.

The KB program is designed by the government for the purpose of balancing the needs and population in Indonesia. With this program, the government hopes that the community can have children more planned. KB services are used to delay or limit pregnancy for married couples.

Given that the costs for KB services in midwives and hospitals are not cheap, the existence of family planning provided by BPJS Kesehatan provides benefits for the community. So what are the KB services borne by BPJS and can be used by the community for free?

BPJS Kesehatan covers or covers the installation of contraceptives in the KB program for free to the public. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenkes RI) Number 3 of 2023 concerning the Standard Health Service Tariffs in the Implementation of the Health Insurance Program, here are some of the KB services that have been borne by BPJS:

The family planning program service covered by BPJS Kesehatan is consultation and installation of KB. The public can consult first before deciding the use of certain types of KB to match their needs.

KB consulting services are important to be able to find out the benefits and side effects of using selected KB. So that KB users can anticipate and mitigate the impacts that can be caused.

The public can take advantage of contraceptives installation services, such as the contraception of IUD Nova T and Copper T. If you have decided to use the type of family planning, then BPJS Kesehatan will bear the costs for the installation.

Other KB services borne by BPJS Kesehatan are tubektomi and vasectomi. Tubektomi is a type of contraception to prevent pregnancy through the termination of the egg protection channel. With this method, egg cells cannot reach the uterus, so sperm cannot reach the uterine wall and fertilize the egg.

Meanwhile, the vasectomi is prevention of pregnancy by cutting sperm channels on male reproductive devices. These two KB services can prevent pregnancy permanently or in the long term, so that it can be considered for couples who want to run a family planning program.

KB injections are also included in services borne by BPJS Kesehatan for free. KB injections are a hormonal contraceptive tool to prevent pregnancy using the method of being injected into the body. This injection of contraceptives serves to stop ovulation.

KB injections are inserted into the body within a certain period of time to be effective in preventing pregnancy. BPJS Kesehatan covers injection KB services with injection durations every 3 months. This type of contraceptive tool is in great demand because its use is easy, safe, and quite effective.

BPJS Kesehatan also bears the service of KB spiral or intrauterine device (IUD). IUD is a spiral-shaped contraceptive tool or like letter T to prevent pregnancy. The use of this contraceptive tool is done by inserting it into the uterus.

The public can take advantage of BPJS Kesehatan to get a spiral KB or IUD installation service. After installation, IUD control and IUD release are also borne by BPJS Kesehatan as well. The IUD brands covered in this service are Nova T and COP T. Both can be used for women who have given birth per vaginam or normal or caesarean.

Those are some KB services borne by BPJS Kesehatan for free. People who plan the KB program can take advantage of these services by choosing according to their needs. Also read KB articles that are safe for people with hypertension.

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