Wednesday, December 22, Firli Bahuri Is Scheduled To Participate In The KPK Council Ethics Session
The inactive KPK chairman Firli Bahuri asked for the first trial of alleged ethical violations held by the KPK Supervisory Board, Thursday, December 14. Firli said he was still focused on undergoing pretrial at the District Court (PN), South Jakarta."Today, the KPK Council should have examined Firli, however, WA (WhatsApp) from the person concerned asked for the trial to be postponed, because the person concerned is concentrating on a pretrial hearing at the South Jakarta District Court," said KPK Council Member Albertina Ho at the KPK, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday 14 December.The trial for alleged violation of the code of ethics was postponed until Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 09.00 WIB.Albertina Ho added that the panel of judges at the KPK Council's ethics trial had also summoned five witnesses who would attend Firli's ethics violation trial.As previously reported, the KPK Council agreed to try Firli regarding the three alleged ethical violations committed. The first is related to a meeting with former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Second, related to LHKPN which is not true, including debt.
The last one is related to the rental of a house on Jalan Kertanegara Number 46. Firli is suspected of violating Article 4 Paragraph 2 letter a or Article 4 paragraph 1 letter j and Article 8 of the KPK Council Regulation (Perdewas) Number 3 of 2021.