Ahead Of The Christmas-New Year Holiday, KAI Semarang Map 131 Longsor Prone Points

SEMARANG - PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang mapped 131 landslide-prone points along train lines spread across various areas in Pantura, Central Java

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang said the landslide-prone points were spread across the Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang, Semarang, Grobogan, and Blora areas.

According to him, the efforts made to prevent landslides at these points were planting the Roots of Wangi grass.

In the early stages, he continued, planting was carried out in an area of 1,380 square meters in the Kendal and Batang areas.

The roots of the grass, he said, were able to penetrate the 15 cm thick soil layer which became a kind of strong anchor to prevent erosion.

"The beginning of this rainy season is the right time to plant grass that has the benefits of preventing this erosion," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 13.

He ensured that planting at the landslide-prone points continued.

According to him, the area to be planted with Akar Wangi grass reaches 93,110 square meters.

"KAI proactively anticipates landslides and other disturbances to ensure the safety of train travel," he said.