Bandung Police Arrest ART That Kidnapped Employers' Children Asking For A Ransom Of IDR 50 Million

BANDUNG - Bandung City Police, West Java, arrested a household assistant (ART) who kidnapped her own employer's child in Cibeunying Kaler District, Bandung City.

"So the modus operandi of the suspect, who is a household assistant on behalf of AF, was after working 1.5 years and then kidnapping his employer's son," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Budi Sartono, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 13.

The police are currently still searching for one of the other suspects, namely G, who also carried out the kidnapping with AF by bringing the three-year-old victim to his home in West Bandung Regency using public transportation.

"By working with the suspect's girlfriend, G, to be brought on Saturday (25/11) and they plan this action together," he said.

The perpetrator asked the victim's parents to prepare Rp50 million so that the victim could be returned to his house.

"But it turns out that the victim's parents or employers do not have that much value and only give Rp. 3.5 million which is then transferred," said Budi.

Furthermore, on (1/12) the victim was taken down on the highway near the perpetrator's house in the Cibeuying Kaler area at 01.15 WIB which was immediately identified by Linmas officers who were on patrol.

"Fortunately the victim can speak and can find out about his house and be taken to his parents' house," he said.

Then the police arrested suspect AF (21) at his residence in Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency. Meanwhile, the other perpetrator G managed to escape the police.

The kidnapping case is still being investigated, but the temporary confession of the reason the perpetrator kidnapped the child was due to economic factors.

"For AF perpetrators, we apply Article 86 Jo Article 76F, Law No. 35 of 2014, with a minimum penalty of three years and a maximum of 15 years in prison," he said.