Celebrate The 35th Anniversary, AEI Galang Aksi Peduli Stunting And Is A Responsible ESG Practice

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI) celebrates 35 years of institutional establishment by carrying the theme of the Future Generation Care Capital Market - Stunting Care Action and ESG Practice in charge. This event was held at the Mainhall of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) which was witnessed by the Chairman of the AEI Board of Trustees Airlangga Hartarto, Chief Executive Supervisor of the OJK Capital Market Inarno Djajadi, Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange Development Jeffrey Hendrik, and Chairman of AEI Mr. Armand Wahyudi Hartono.

This action is not just a social action, but rather a concern for the sustainability of the future of the Indonesian generation, strengthening the public health sector, and improving the quality of human resources in the future in achieving Golden Indonesia in 2045.

The government has targeted stunting prevalence to be 14 percent in 2024, where in 2019 it will reach 27.6 percent, and by 2023 it has decreased to 21.6 percent.

AEI as a forum for Indonesian Capital Market issuers hopes to be at the forefront of supporting stunting eradication efforts for a better generation of people.

The Next Generation Care Capital Market is supported by 25 issuers from various industrial sectors, namely PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Astra International Tbk, PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk, PT Barito Pacific Tbk, PT Mastersystem Infotama Tbk, PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, PT Bumi Resources Tbk, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk, PT Dharma Polimetal Tbk, PT Mayora Indah Tbk, PT Adaro Energy Tbk, PT Bank BTPN Tbk, PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk, PT Pegadaian (Persero), PT Hasnur Internasional Shipping Tbk, PT Bank Mutika Tbk, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, Lawonline, PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk, PT Bank Danamon Tbk, BFI Finance, PT Bank Multiarta Sentosa Tbk, PT Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk.

Donations collected in the first period of December have reached more than IDR 1 billion and are expected to continue to grow in the following month's period in line with the increasing participation and solidarity of AEI members.

AEI hopes to continue to contribute, innovate, expand its role in the business world, and can continue to encourage potential companies to develop into good issuers in the capital market, have high social concern and implement responsible Good Corporate Governance and ESG practices.

Chairman of AEI Armand Wahyudi Hartono said that the actions of caring for stunting and ESG practices that are responsible are both continuous things that are the responsibility of all parties, both as issuers in the capital market and as part of the community.

"Stunting is not an easy thing, but with joint efforts we are confident that we can realize future generations that are free of stunting, improve public health, improve the quality of human resources, and in the end will contribute to the national economy. We are grateful for the participation of all issuers involved in the Future Generation Care Capital Market Movement carried by AEI," he explained.