The Search Period For 10 Victims Of The Humbahas Flash Flood Was Extended

MEDAN - The Search and Rescue Office has again extended the search for victims of flash floods and landslides in Silmagulampe Village, Bakti Raja District, Humbang Husundutan Regency, North Sumatra.

Efforts to find victims of natural disasters in Silmagulampedi Village were extended by three days from 9 to 11 December 2023 after seven days of search operations, and then extended again for three days.

"Based on the evaluation carried out by all elements involved and the families of the victims, the search will be extended again for the next three days starting today," said Head of the Medan City Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) Budiono, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 12.

Budiono conveyed that the extension of the search for disaster victims was carried out because there was a request from the families of the victims and the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Government.

According to him, there are still 10 victims of natural disasters in Silmagulampe Village that have not been found.

"Based on these considerations, the search is again extended by optimizing all existing strengths," he said.

The joint SAR team has expanded the area of operation to search for victims of natural disasters in the waters of Lake Toba.

The search for victims of natural disasters in Silmagulempe Village was carried out in three sectors.

In a search operation in sector 1, Budiono said Basarnas SpecialGroup (BSG) officers conducted a search in Lake Toba waters by boat. They try to find victims by pulling garbage and tree trunks that enter the lake.

Budionome continued, search operations in sector 2 were carried out by moving the remaining materials of flash floods in the church and school environments and deploying excavators to lift garbage in front of hotels.

Di sektor 3, petugas fokus mencari korban di antara korban rumah penduduk serta mes karyawan di satu hotel yang terdampak bencana.

"We first dispatched a team of divers from BSG to dive around the location of the fallen tree and behind the church and hotel buildings," he said.

A total of 12 people were reported missing when flash floods and landslides hit Simangulempe Village on the evening of December 1, 2023. Two of the residents who were reported missing during the disaster were found dead.