Puting Belitung Terjang Kupang NTT, 1 Resident's House Was Heavily Damaged

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that one house was heavily damaged by a tornado that hit Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"Based on a report from the West Kupang Sub-district Government, there has been a tornado that hit Tablolong Village, which caused one resident's house to be heavily damaged by being swept away by a tornado on Monday (11 December)," said the Head of BPBD Kupang Semi Tinenti Regency in Kupang, NTT, Tuesday, December 12, confiscated by Antara.

The tornado that hit the western tip of Timor Island occurred at around 15.00 WITA after heavy rains hit the area.

In that incident, he continued, the roof of Martinus Hoan's house was all damaged by a tornado that occurred very quickly.

At the time of the incident, Martinus Hoan was at sea looking for fish, while his wife Aprenina Pellu was in the garden.

"There were no casualties in the tornado, because at the time of the incident there were no occupants in the house," said Semi Tinenti.

Meanwhile, Kupang Police Chief AKBP Anak Agung Gde Anom Wirata said the tornado in Tablolong Village was very short. According to him, strong winds came suddenly and flew all the roofs of Martinus Hoan's permanent house.

As a result of the incident, he said, Martinus Hoan as the owner of the house suffered a loss of around Rp. 50 million.

The Tablolong Village Government and the community, he said, worked together to repair the roof of the house so that it could be occupied again. However, currently Martinus Hoan and his wife live in houses that are built in an emergency by residents, until the roof work on the house is completed.