Investment Minister Says Nickel Downstream Issues Are Fried By Certain Parties

JAKARTA - Investment Minister or Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that entering the political year there are parties who deliberately fry the issue of nickel downstream.

According to him, there are certain parties who use other parties to suppress Indonesia regarding downstreaming in order to reopen the export tap of minerals that had previously been banned.

"There is a shrimp behind a stone that deliberately uses the hands of another person to press Indonesia so that the space is opened. Now this is the political year because this is fried goods," Bahlil said in a discussion at the Media Center Indonesia Maju, Monday, December 11.

Bahlil said he questioned the nationalism attitude of those who did not approve of the policy of downstreaming Indonesian minerals. "If there are people who don't agree with downstreaming, I want to ask, try checking, how far is the nationalism of people? What's behind that?" Bahlil continued.

On the other hand, Bahlil admits that there is still a shortage of this downstream policy. He also asked the public to understand this because this policy had just been implemented.

"This is only 4-5 years in order to realize the law. Our name is like a baby falling and waking up normally. But Alhamdulillah, we are way even though there is a shortage, we are quick to respond to improvements," he said.

Bahlil also emphasized that the next government must continue this downstream policy because it is considered that it can age on Indonesia's way to Indonesia Gold.

"Whoever the government is, whoever the minister is, my dream is to downstream this must be an important part that must be held as the gateway to Indonesia gold," concluded Bahlil.