Winning Amin In England, Hermawi Taslim Encourages Anies Volunteers In London

Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Hermawi Fransiskus Taslim, was present and had a dialogue with four Anies volunteer nodes that were active in the London, England area.

The four nodes are Anies Baswedan Center (ABC), Garda Anies Alliance Network (JAGA), Sobat Anies International (SAI) and Sahabat Anies Luar Negeri (SALN).

The meeting took place in the spirit of kinship which was high at Madura Kitchen Cafe at 97 high Road, Willesden, London, on Friday 8 December.

During the meeting, Taslim was bombarded with a number of questions about the shadow of cheating that haunts volunteers.

For the most part, they expressed their concern about the news developing in the country that a number of parties who should be neutral were allegedly participating in the game to win certain candidate pairs in this election.

"Frankly, we are worried about the neutrality of a number of parties in this election," said Hendri, the UK PKS frontman who has repeatedly participated in elections in London.

Meanwhile, Lilis Barkah and Ida Rosida, who have been living in UK for decades, revealed that they are recruiting and training witnesses who will serve at the TPS in the future.

Responding to these concerns, Taslim encouraged the volunteers by emphasizing that the first and foremost must be ensured that all polling stations in the UK must have witnesses and must send reports of vote acquisition to the main post.

People are now smart, they can't be scared or fooled. Believe me, this is the most appropriate momentum for the Indonesian people to make changes to the direction of national development in order to realize social justice for all Indonesian people," he said.

Previously, Taslim had also held a series of meetings with the Indonesian diaspora, especially students who live in the Birmingham, Coventry and lieu areas.

After expanding throughout the UK. Taslim will continue the meeting of volunteers in Ireland before returning to Indonesia.