Why Are Babies Very Sensitive To The Voice? Reasonable Or Normal?

YOGYAKARTA As a parent you should know why babies are very sensitive to sound. This knowledge is important to know as a provision of parenting. Then is that condition natural for babies?

Babies are very likely to cry after hearing a shocking sound. Not only crying, they can also respond to sounds heard in other responses such as sticking out their hands and feet.

Quoted from the healthline site, the reflex that occurs in babies is in the form of crying and curling up because he is surprised to hear sound is normal, especially in the early months after birth. The accidental shock response is called the Moro reflex.

Moro's reflection on the baby has been around since he was born and is usually caused by noisy sounds or loud sounds around him. These reflectances can simply appear without any stimulation and will disappear when the baby is 6 months old.

In addition, voice sensitive conditions are also caused because the baby's hearing system is still in the developing stage. Even normally, babies can also be disturbed by higher voices than adults.

Although normal, Moro's reflex in babies causes several conditions, namely as follows.

To overcome this, parents must minimize the noise that occurs around the baby. When the baby is asleep try to put it in a special room. It is not recommended to put the baby to sleep in an open room or in a place close to the source of the noise.

However, parents should also know that the condition of sound sensitivity in children can also be due to disorders that are called hyperacousism in medical terms.

Hyperacousism itself is a hearing loss. Hyperacoussis sufferers have high sensitivity and sensitivity levels to the surrounding sound. Children who are sensitive to hyperacousism will feel pain and discomfort in their ears. Disturbing sounds can be fans, water running from the tap, paper folding, and much more.

Hyperacousist hearing disorders are rare, but this case is experienced by many children. Quoted from the Bosto Children's Hospital website, hyperacusis is often experienced by preschoolers. However, the symptoms can disappear alone following an increasingly mature age.

In some cases, hyperacousism of children occurs due to problems with their nervous struggles. The problem can continue if not handled properly. To ensure the health condition of the hearing of the baby and children, it is recommended to parents to check their condition to the doctor.

Doctors will provide advice, preventive measures, and treatment to avoid hearing problems for infants and children.

That's information related to why babies are very voice sensitive. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.