The Attitude Of Anies' Team To Defend The Prophet's Insults Is Considered A Blunder

JAKARTA - Communication expert, Selamat Ginting, reminded the dangers of community division due to sensitive issues. The Ahok case in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada must be a lesson material.

This was conveyed by Ginting in response to the alleged case of insulting the Prophet Muhammad SAW at the event which was attended by Anies Baswedan in Lampung. Komika Lampung, Aulia Rakhman, who participated in the event was accused of insulting the Prophet SAW.

Learning from Ahok's case in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada a few years ago, said Ginting, there was an extraordinary defense in society. Ahok's case should be an extraordinary lesson.

"Don't go into sensitive territory in the political year, because we've been experiencing division since 2014. And that's real," Ginting said, Sunday, December 10.

This division in the community, according to this communication expert, has tried to fix Prabowo Subianto, by entering Jokowi's cabinet.

Prabowo's entry is actually the goal of minimizing division in society. Don't widen it again in the political year, which can later become something counterproductive," he said.

Partai politik diminta Ginting untuk mengingatkan para pengaman acara dan aktor-aktor agar tidak masuk ke wilayah sensitif.

They have to learn from the case of community division due to the election. It's been 9 years. Want it to happen again? " he said.

Ginting also saw that the statement by the Deputy Chairperson of the Nasdem Party, Ahmad Ali, who defended Aulia, was actually a blunder step. Aulia's issue, which was considered harassing the Prophet Muhammad SAW at an event attended by Anies Baswedan, according to Ginting, was actually over when Aulia apologized and admitted her mistake.

"It's just that the party (Anies' success team, ed) or the organizers just need to explain to the public and ask the comics not to enter politics," said Ginting. Ahmad Ali, there should be no need to reveal the problem anymore.