Ahead Of The First Debate Of The 2024 Presidential Election, KPU Prepares Three Locations To Watch Together

JAKARTA - The inaugural debate of the presidential-vice presidential candidate (candidate-vice presidential candidate) is scheduled to take place at the General Election Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 12. The KPU promised to prepare three locations to watch together (nobar). "Regarding whether there are nobar points in some places we are discussing, there are already projections at three points," said KPU RI member August Mellaz at the KPU Office, Saturday, December 9. Agust has not disclosed the exact location. However he explained that the purpose of the nobar to prevent mass concentration is only in the area of the KPU Office on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta. He also said that during the ongoing debate, the KPU Office area would later be sterile. The KPU will coordinate with various parties so that the inaugural debate runs well. "We will coordinate with security parties, including later the parking area for VIP guests," he said, quoted from ANTARA. He said that the debate place with the townhall model on the KPU page can accommodate up to 800 people. However, each pair of candidates was allowed to bring 75 people, so that a total of 225 people. The rest is for KPU invited guests, including representatives from ministries, institutions, ambassadors, and other invited guests.KPU has set a schedule for the implementation of presidential and vice presidential debates in the 2024 presidential election which will take place during the 2024 election campaign period on 28 November 2023 to 10 February 2024. The first and second debates were held on 12 and 22 December 2023. The third and fourth debates were held on 7 and 21 January 2024. Meanwhile, the last debate took place on February 4, 2024. Five times the debate of these presidential and vice presidential candidates was held in Jakarta. The vice presidential candidates will be held three times, while the debate of the APBN, infrastructure, and urban affairs.

Tema debat ketiga adalah pertahanan, keamanan, hubungan internasional dan geopolitik. Kemudian tema debat keempat adalah pembangunan keberlanjutan, sumber daya alam, lingkungan hidup, energi, pangan, agraria, masyarakat adat, dan desa.Lalu, tema debat kelima meliputi kesejahteraan sosial, kebudayaan, pendidikan, teknologi informasi, kesehatan, ketenagakerjaan, sumber daya manusia, dan juga inklusi.KPU telah menetapkan tiga pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden sebagai peserta Pilpres 2024. Mereka adalah Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (nomor urut 1), Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka (nomor urut 2), dan Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD (nomor urut 3).