This Husband's Small Attention Is Able To Make Andien Aisyah Comfortable After Pregnancy And Childbirth

JAKARTA Ayah adalah sosok yang berperan besar sebagai support system ibu. Kontribusi orang-orang di sekitar ibu, terutama ayah, sangat diperlukan guna menjaga kesehatan mentalnya.

The importance of support for the closest family, especially the husband, is agreed by Andien Aisyah. Supporting the family system in dealing with difficult times after giving birth is an important thing that Andien feels.

Kawa and Tabi's mother said that her husband's support helped her through the process of pregnancy and childbirth which was not easy. Even the husband, who is familiarly called Ippe, is actively looking for information about pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"In addition to learning together with my husband to be a good parent for children, my husband also always pays attention to even small things during the process of pregnancy to childbirth. It's as simple as bringing drinking water, buying food, chatting with our children while in the womb," explained Andien at the Mother's Festival.

One of the experts present at the Mother's Festival, Obygn Specialist at the Tembuni Birth Center, dr. Ridwan, SpOG said that the role of the husband and closest family is needed to support maternal psychology and health during pregnancy until the day of childbirth.

The pregnancy period should not be borne unilaterally by the mother, but the husband also acts as a companion who is always on standby and gives full support to the mother. According to dr. Ridwan, the importance of supporting husband and family in the stage of pregnancy and childbirth in mothers contributes to preventing the occurrence of baby blues to postpartum depression (PPD) in mothers.

Support from the husband and closest family is the most dominant risk factor contributing to the occurrence of baby blues to PPD which is prone to approaching the mother. Prior to this, preventive measures were needed, such as involving husbands in providing information about the health of mothers and children, as well as anticipating early detection of baby blues to PPD with the quality of patient information extraction (anamnesis), so as to reduce the number of postpartum blues events, "added dr. Ridwan in a media statement received by VOI, Saturday, December 9.