Tips Introducing Child's Food Variations From KimberlyRIDer

JAKARTA - Having two children who are still toddlers challenges Kimberly Rider to be good at making food variations so they don't get bored. The mother of Rayden Starlight Akbar (4) and Aisyah Moonlight Akbar (3), she said that taking turns giving soft food and soft textured solid foods when her children enter the age of breast milk companion food (MPASI).

"Indonesians will definitely feed their children (who are still toddlers) porridge. If I'm with Aisyah because I've been researched, oh, aged 6-12 months, even though they don't have teeth, they can already be given more solid food, such as bananas," said Kimberly RDer, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, December 9.

In addition to bananas, Kimberly Border also often provides her children with solid food, but, soft or soft so they can still chew it. He provides a variety of food so that his children don't get bored quickly.

Foods that are usually Kimberly Border gives to their children, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, papaya, and others. Kimberly also tried to keep up with their nutrition by providing protein from processed beef or chicken.

"So they can hold it and eat on their own. Or like meat and chicken that has been smoothed and smoked they get nutrients from the meat," said the 30-year-old actress.

Kimberly admitted that she learned a lot from various social media accounts and from people who already have experience in how to care for children and provide nutrition to children.

He also limits the consumption of processed foods, such as nuggets and sausages due to possible health risks in the future. Therefore, Kimberly strives to make her own food at home with balanced nutrition.

I love cooking that is a bit elaborated (complicate), meaning making pasta, making something quite complicated. Only, my husband taught me to eat simple foods. For example, eggs are boiled, boiled sweet potatoes, or cassava, things like that are actually very healthy," said Kimberly.