Deploy A Bomb Disposal Team, Cirebon Police Ensures Campaign Security For Each Paslon

JABAR - The police deployed a number of special task forces (tasks) to ensure campaign activities for the 2024 General Election in Cirebon, including those that would be carried out by candidate pairs (paslon).

The Head of Cirebon Police, Kombes Pol. Arif Budiman, said the security scheme was carried out involving a team of sterilization to bomb disposal at the location of the campaign activities. "In addition, other personnel were also deployed to check the food conditions presented for the presidential candidate so that the security of the election participants was guaranteed. "It became our standard SOP in order to secure campaign visits and open meetings against presidential candidates," said Arif in Cirebon, West Java (West Java), Friday, December 8, was confiscated by Antara. For example, he continued, his party deployed as many as 247 personnel in a series of security personnel for the campaign activities of presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo at Muhammadiyah University Cirebon (UMC).. "In general, we held several security task forces, starting from PAM the main route from Penggung Airport to the location, because he used helicopters," he said.

Dari informasi yang diterima, kata Kapolres, Ganjar menghadiri acara kuliah wawasan kebangsaan di perguruan tinggi tersebut.Setelah itu, capres tersebut melakukan pertemuan dengan sejumlah tokoh di Cirebon sebelum kembali ke Jakarta.“Kegiatan sebagaimana pemberitahuan agenda ke kami diagendakan pukul 15.30 WIB, kemudian beliau memberikan kuliah kebangsaan kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa UMC,” tuturnya.Ia menegaskan kegiatan pengamanan ini diterapkan pada semua aktivitas kampanye yang dilakukan semua capres di Cirebon.Sementara itu Ketua Bawaslu Kabupaten Cirebon Sadaruddin Parapat mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima surat pemberitahuan terkait kegiatan Ganjar Pranowo di UMC.Ia sudah meminta kepada pihak penyelenggara mengenai tidak menampilkan atribut dan bahan-bahan kampanye yang di lokasi acara.“Sejauh pelaksanaan diskusi dan tidak ada atribut peserta kampanye sesuai keputusan MK dipersilakan. Imbauan untuk menaati regulasi yang ada,” tandasnya.