Only Kominfo Gets WDP Opinion From BPK Assessment, 80 Ministries/WTP Institutions

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) considers in general the government's performance to be very good. This was marked by the results of the performance assessment of 81 ministries/agencies, almost all of which received an unqualified opinion (WTP)."Today we have submitted IHPS I for the 2023 budget year examination which includes examination of financial reports, examination of performance and examination with a certain purpose. From the results of this submission, in general, the performance carried out by the government is very good,” said BPK Member I Nyoman Adhi Suryadnyana after submitting the 2023 Semester Examination Results Summary (IHPS) at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Antara, Friday, December 8.He said based on performance assessments of 81 ministries/agencies, 80 ministries/agencies obtained WTP opinions. Meanwhile, one ministry received a reasonable opinion with the exception (WDP), namely the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology."(This result) is close to 99 percent (WTP), the other gets a fair opinion with the exception, namely for the Ministry of Communication and Information," he said.He said that within this framework, the government has carried out performance to achieve the vision and mission that has been set and is in line with the progress of implementing its achievement activities.According to Nyoman, BPK encourages the examination to be a follow-up to the government."For the examination that has been carried out by the BPK, the result of the follow-up is 76 percent, but for the RPJMN it is still around 47 percent, meaning that there is still time for the government to carry out this follow-up," he said.He conveyed that the follow-up was important, because BPK was like a doctor who had a diagnosis or examination. Furthermore, BPK as a doctor gave a prescription or recommendation."Well, in order to benefit from the results of the examination, this recommendation is also a benchmark and benchmark to be implemented as a form of good governance government implementation," he said.Regarding the WDP predicate obtained by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Nyoman said that in providing BPK opinion, there is a risk management that must be met by every ministry/institution."The activities that WDP does at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics are of course the findings made by the BPK that exceed the set risk management, so it means that the activities carried out by Kominfo are not in line with the programs they plan. This is what makes the performance not optimal so that it is not WTP, WDP, one of which is related to assets," he explained.
He also mentioned that the case of BTS telecommunication infrastructure at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has exceeded the risk limit, so it is necessary to follow up with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.