KPK Asked To Be Transparent In Investigating Allegations Of Corruption Involving M Suryo At The Ministry Of Transportation

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was asked to be transparent in investigating the alleged bribery case at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Anyone involved, including Commissioner of PT Surya Karya Setiabudi (SKS), Muhammad Suryo, must be investigated to provide legal certainty. "It should be announced to the public how it is related to the investigation and investigation of M Suryo's case, so that there is no doubt in the public," said Trisakti University criminal law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar to reporters, Thursday, December 7. This announcement is also important to prove that there is no dualism in the anti-corruption commission," said Fickar. Even if the KPK commissioner consists of five collegial collective properties. It must be clear whether it has been announced to the public, M Suryo is a suspect yet," he said. "If there is evidence, it must be determined, if it has not been not been determined, it is still in the process of investigation or what. So the important thing is that there is transparency, openness to the public," continued Fickar. Previously, M Suryo, who is a Commissioner of PT Surya Karya Setiabudi (SKS), allegedly received a dose of Rp9.5 billion from the promise of Rp11 billion. This was revealed in the indictment letter of the former Head of the Central Java Class 1 Railway Engineering Center (Jabagteng), Putu Sumarjaya.

Sleeping fee is the provision of a sum of money from the auction participants won to the losing participants as a habit in organizing the project auction. The auction is related to the Ka Antara Kalimantan-Kadipiro -Kalioso Road Development Package -KM96+400 to KM104+900 (JGSS 6) 2022, the construction of the Ka Elevated Doubles Line between Solo Balapan-Kadipiro KM104+900 to KM106+900 (JGSS 4) 2022, and the Track Layout of Tegal Station (TLO Tegal) 2023.