KPU Accommodates The Proposed Name Of Panelist And Moderator Debate Until Friday
JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) will accommodate the list of names of panelists and moderators presented by each team of successes (timses) pairs of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) who will later be tasked with guiding and leading the presidential and vice presidential debates of the Presidential Election (Pilpres) 2024.KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari explained that currently the KPU is preparing a panelist team for each of the debate themes. Hasyim explained the names of the panelists that will be proposed by the candidate pair must be submitted to the KPU on Friday, December 8, 2023. "In addition, Hasyim also explained that the KPU has prepared the names that will be proposed to be the moderator of the debate. "Then our fourth discussion is about moderators, the KPU has also prepared the names of proposals for moderators. So the moderators will lead or modernize the presidential and vice presidential candidates," he said. Hasyim detailed that later every presidential and vice presidential debate will be guided by two male and female moderators. "Each of the debate is the moderator of one to two men and five. We are currently finalizing two men and women. We are finalizing this, "he said. Similar to the panelist proposal, Hasyim explained that his party has asked for the name proposals from each candidate pair of 2024 presidential candidates. Each passon team must submit a name proposal on Friday 8 December 2023.
"We also ask for proposals from the 1,2, and 3 pair teams the same as the panelist's proposal, which will be delivered to us on Friday, December 8, 2023," he concluded As is known, the KPU will hold 3 presidential candidate debates and 2 vice presidential debates with a number of themes.