Facilitating IPEMI Product Exhibition, Ministry Of Industry Wants To Increase The Role Of Women In Community Economic Empowerment

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) facilitates the holding of a leading product exhibition organized by the Indonesian Muslim Entrepreneurs Association (IPEMI) at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6.

The exhibition entitled 'Creative Woman, Advanced Economy, Advanced Indonesia' will be held for three days at the Ministry of Industry Building, starting December 6-8, 2023.

In his remarks, the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that his party consistently supports and encourages the increasing role of Muslim entrepreneurs in empowering the community's economy in order to achieve economic independence.

"The IPEMI Featured Product Show can inspire female business actors in Indonesia to continue to work and provide benefits to the community at large, as well as encourage the expansion of access to the small and medium industry (IKM) market so that they can compete in local and global markets," said Minister of Industry Agus.

Minister of Industry Agus said, in an effort to support the sustainability of IKM, Agus invited the entire community to participate in the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement by buying IKM products.

"This has a big impact on the supporting sector, such as craftsmen/tenagakers, providers of raw materials, logistics and other related sectors," he said.

As part of organizing the exhibition, the Anugerah Award for Indonesian Inspiration Women 2023 was also held.

On the same occasion, IPEMI General Chair Ingrid Kansil said the award was an IPEMI national program in order to welcome Mother's Day.

"We hope that women who are inspirational do not have to be famous figures, but are women who have succeeded in realizing inspiration and are able to get to know close and provide benefits to those around them," he added.