Dragged By The Current In Kali Angke, An 11-Year-Old Boy Found Dead

JAKARTA A boy named M Fahri (11) fell and was dragged by the current of the Angke River, Ciledug District, Tangerang City, Banten. When found, victim M Fahri was already dead 11 kilometers from the point where the victim drowned.

The victim's body was dragged by the flow of water to the Polor Dam area, Jalan H Sarimun, Kembangan, West Jakarta. The victim was found by the joint SAR Team on Monday, December 4.

"The victim's body was found by a joint SAR element in Basmol Raya, West Jakarta. The victim was found face down on the surface of the water," said Head of the Jakarta SAR Office as SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) during the SAR operation, Fazzli when confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 4.

Efforts to search for victims were carried out by sweeping along the Angke River flow up to 15 KM from the scene. Sweeping using a rubber boat.

"We are also conducting visual monitoring at the Polor Dam and Cengkareng Drain Water Gate," he said.

Furthermore, the victim's body was evacuated to the Tangerang District Hospital. The joint SAR personnel involved in the search came from the Jakarta SAR Office, Tangerang City Fire Department, Cileduk Police, South Tangerang OCC, Tangerang IEA, South Tangerang IEA, Small Ants, Tangerang City RPAI, and others.

Meanwhile, the victim was found drowned while playing with his friends on the edge of the Angke River, Ciledug District, Tangerang City, Banten, on Friday, December 1.

The Head of the Ciledug Police, AKP Irwan confirmed that the victim had been found. The victim was found on Monday, December 4, at 04:00.

"It was found today at 04.00 WIB," said Irwan when confirmed, Monday, December 4.

Irwan explained that the perpetrator was found when residents saw the victim floating in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta. When found, the victim was caught in a pile of garbage.

"In Cengkareng, the Cengkareng area. 11 Kilometers of Drainese are in the trash," he said.

For now, the victim has been taken to the Tangerang District Hospital for autopsy purposes.

Delivered To Tangerang Regency Hospital

Furthermore, the victim's body will be immediately buried by the family in the South Sudimara area, Ciledug District.