Buya Hamka's Struggle To Resolve Al Azhar's Interpretation In Prison Is In Hamka And Siti Raham Films (Vol.2)

JAKARTA - The Buya Hamka film, played by Vino G Bastian, Laudya Chintya Bella, Anjasmara, Total Alfandi, Roy Sungkono and Bima Azriel, will simultaneously air in all Indonesian cinemas on December 21, 2023.

Buya Hamka's name cannot be separated from the al-Azhar interpretation book he wrote. The interpretation of al-Azhar comes from the Subuh lecture or lecture delivered by Hamka at the Al-Azhar Grand Mosque since 1959, but until the end of 1964 it has not yet been completed.

The work on the Al-Azhar Interpret Book was stopped when Buya Hamka was arrested by the old Order rulers. However, the detention actually brought its own wisdom and gave Hamka a great opportunity to complete the writing of the al-Azhar interpretation.

In Hamka & Siti Raham (Vol.2), it is clearly explained how Hamka's process of completing the al-Azhar interpretation book in prison. In fact, when he was declared free, Siti Raham and her children welcomed him, with joy and gave gifts in the form of al-Azhar's tafsir book that had been bounded.

Fajar Bustomi, who directed this film, revealed that Hamka had a lesson, because he was imprisoned. "Allah SWT, always gives wisdom in every experience experienced by his people. Maybe, if Buya Hamka is not imprisoned, he will not necessarily be able to complete the interpretation of al-Azhar. Moreover, at that time he was very busy with his da'wah. In fact, in this film, Siti Raham also always reminds Buya to complete the interpretation of al-Azhar," he said.

The director of the Dilan trilogy film also added, in the film Hamka and Siti Raham (Vol.2) Hamka also still considers President Soekarno as his friend and a great person. "This film does not discredit anyone. Even Hamka still fulfills President Soekarno's will to become the priest of prayer for the body when President Soekarno dies. That proves that Buya Hamka considers Sukarno as his friend and a great person," concluded Fajar Bustomi.
