Consistency Of The Palestinian Defense House At The Global Forum To Represent The Voice Of The Indonesian People

JAKARTA - In the midst of continued military aggression from Israel in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank which made the Palestinian people suffer, the DPR continues to consistently voice its defense. The move taken by the DPR is considered to be a reflection of the voice of the Indonesian people who want peace.

The statement was made by an international political observer from the University of Indonesia (UI), Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad. According to him, the DPR has become a pioneer in creating support for independence for Palestine in many international forums.

"These international efforts are nothing new. The Indonesian House of Representatives has consistently provided support to Palestine not only when it hosts international forums, but also actively utilizes all support routes," said Shofwan, Friday, December 1.

The initiation of the DPR in various international forums on support for the Palestinian people, for example, can be seen in the 9th Mikta Speaker's Consultation which was held in Jakarta some time ago. Acting as the host, the DPR, which was led directly by the chairman, Puan Maharani, invited all parliament members of MIKTA to participate in voicing the termination of the war.

Then in the 9th G20 Parliamentary Speaker's Summit or P20 which was held in India, Puan as the leader of the Indonesian parliamentary delegation also signed a Joint Reservation (joint objection) application because the conclusion of the trial did not contain the issue of Palestinian humanity.

In fact, the 9th P20 conclusion contained the issue of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Several other countries that also signed objections were Turkey, China, South Africa, and Russia.

Not only in the global forum held in the country, the DPR also continues to garner support for Palestine internationally. As did the Chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Fadli Zon, where he recently held a meeting with British lawmaker Jeremy Corbyn in order to garner support for Palestine.

The Indonesian House of Representatives has also succeeded in initiating the formation of the Palestinian Commission in the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) or the Parliamentary organization of Asian countries on 26-29 November 2023. Fadli Zon as deputy of the DPR was even chosen to lead the APA executive session which agreed to establish the Palestinian Committee.

In the 31st Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) which was held in Manila, Philippines, at the end of November, the DPR was also known to call for a halt to military aggression and opened access to health for Palestinians. Shofwan said that the DPR RI's many active roles in supporting peace in Palestine have displayed Indonesia's face on the world stage.

"As a high state institution chosen by the people, the DPR RI represents the voice of the people of the country with the fourth largest population in the world to voice justice and independence for the Palestinian people," said the FISIP International Relations Lecturer.

Shofwan also appreciated the DPR for providing humanitarian assistance of IDR 10 billion in 2023. The assistance was used to buy medicines, food, and clothing for the Palestinian people.

"With such a weight, coupled with Indonesia's strategic position, the international community cannot ignore the vote," said Shofwan.

The doctor who graduated from Ritsumeikan University, Japan also assessed that the DPR's support in various UN Resolutions which condemned human rights violations by Israel was proof of the consistency and reflection of the voices of the Indonesian people. Shofwan said that the DPR's consistency can improve the image of the country in the eyes of the world because it shows Indonesia's commitment to continue to encourage the creation of a world of peace and justice.

"Thus, the efforts of the DPR on various international platforms are a crucial contribution to raise world awareness on the Palestinian issue and realize its independence," said the Executive Secretary of the ASEAN Study Center UI.

"Including in 2022, the DPR also sent delegates to Palestine to attend the International Conference for Palestinian Independence. During the conference, the DPR RI voiced the support of the Indonesian people for the independence of Palestine," added Shofwan.